

Tom White

9th August 2013

 Here’s a nice summer concept to consider. Suppose the future is much brighter than we commonly imagine. In fact, so good that within a few years the common problems we associate with scarcity will be a thing of the past.
 My holiday reading has taken me in this direction, and it’s a fantastic idea to grapple with. How will business and the economy adapt to deliver this Promised Land? And what will it mean when we get there?

I’ve got here by a number of different routes, especially through Business Studies discussion about technological innovation and change.

I’ve taken the title of this blog from the book Abundance which you can also follow on Facebook and YouTube. If you want a good addition to your reading list (especially in Economics) check out Matt Ridley, especially The Rational Optimist (with a handy clip on the gains to be made from specialisation and the division of labour here).

Another Top Tip – if you really want further evidence that things are getting a lot better, try dipping into Stephen Pinker’s Better Angels of our Nature.

Tom White

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