
A “troubling symbol of corporate irresponsibility”?

Jim Riley

20th May 2010

This story would make a great case study for discussing the issue of corporate social responsibility. Do customers who consume this new product have a death-wish?

The product in question in KFC’s “Double Down” - an appetising new item on the fast-food giant’s menu in the USA. As the Guardian reports, KFC has come under extensive criticism for launching (with great success) and product which struggles to qualify as a health eating alternative.

Calorie counters look away now! To put the Double Down product into some perspective, one KFC Double Down is the equivalent of:

- Two English coooked breakfasts, or
- Two portions of fish & chips, or
- Eight doughnuts, or
- Two and a half Mars Bars, or
- Two McDonalds Big Macs

I love the description of the Double Down as “double down, triple chin, quadruple bypass”. You can see why campaigners against obesity (particularly amongst children) are so appalled by the product launch.

But has the market spoken? 10 million Double Downs sold in the last month or so. KFC is onto a winner amongst its loyal customers. Has it acted responsibly launching such an unhealthy product? Is it really up to consumers to take responsibility for what they eat?

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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