
A Day in the Life - Cash Flow Forecasting

Graham Prior

9th September 2009

This is a good starter activity for cash flow forecasting.

At the start of the lesson, I tell students that I am going to tell them what I did on the previous Saturday, ‘a day in my life’, and that they need to listen carefully.

I start off by saying something along the lines of, “I get up, get showered and get ready. I have £30 in my pocket. I walk to the metro station and on the way buy a newspaper and a bottle of Diet Coke costing £1.50. The metro costs £4.00 into town…”

I then describe a number of instances where I spend cash and receive cash. For receiving cash I say that I am returning some clothes to a number of shops and that I meet my brother who gives me back some money he owes me.

I then ask the kids to tell me how much money I have in my pocket at the end of the day.

Bingo. A mini-cash flow statement.

You normally need to do it twice and it works brilliantly with mini-whiteboards if the kids write down the ‘cash in’ and then the ‘cash out’.

I then move into ‘formal cash flow’.

The kids like it and you can make your day as ‘interesting’ as you like.


‘I read the news today, Oh boy’

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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