Exam Support

Q&A from AQA: 12 Mark Essays in Year 2

Below you will find a question and response from AQA in relation to: 12 Mark Essays in Year 2.


Can you get a 12 mark essay in Year 2, as there are only 8/16 markers in the SAMs?


"The SAMs provide a good indication of the range and type of question that can be expected in live examinations, although dependent on circumstances, it might be necessary to have questions with different tariffs to those in the SAMs at some point in the future.

I hope this information clarifies everything for you and once again, please accept my apologies for the delay."


In short – yes. While 12 markers may be less likely in Year 2, it is still a possibility. Although in theory, if your students are equipped for 16 mark essays then a 12 mark essay shouldn’t pose two much of a problem.

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