Exam Support
Q&A from AQA: Incorrect Information in Endorsed Textbooks
13th January 2017
Below you will find a question and response from AQA in relation to: Incorrect Information in Endorsed AQA Textbooks.
If the information in an endorsed textbook is 'incorrect' and a student uses this information in their exams, will they be penalised?
"Wherever possible AQA try to accommodate answers that draw upon various sources of information, both in the content of a mark scheme and in its application. We are aware that psychology teachers will have had diverse experiences of study in their discipline and that many will be drawing on an extensive body of psychological knowledge acquired through their own study. We are also aware that some teachers, for whatever reason, are delivering the Specification using a highly-restricted range of material. AQA always seeks to ensure that students receive credit for any answer that is appropriate, however, if material is absolutely and unambiguously incorrect in terms of psychology, then an awarding body could not justify crediting such material. In the end, examining bodies are responsible for examining an academic discipline and not text books."
While this reply is interesting and certainly answers the question, what about non-specialist teachers who rely on endorsed books for their information? What about self-taught students?
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